About us

Medicamp For Everyone

Medicamp helps you make informed decisions about your health.

You can appoint your best doctors on the one click. Using your mobile phone, you can contact with doctors from various specialities.

Our aim is to keep you healthy and fit using appointment with best doctors across the country. If you want to find a doctor nearby you, then you can easily find the best doctors nearby you. You can check doctor's profile and book an appointment too.

Medicamp For Doctors

Doctors can grow their outreach to patients across the country by interaction with the patient. They not only thanked by those whom they help out but also get recommended by their patient. This increases their popularity across the country and can also be hired by best hospital across the country.

Doctors can manage their practice. This Medicamp website enables doctors to manage information for one or more clinics. Doctors can be in touch with patients and manage their practice on the go with Medicamp website.

We Vimalkant Anand and Rishika sinha developed this website to help the person who can't appoint the doctor after going hospital due to much more polpulation. They can appoint online using Medicamp website and when the day of appointment come, they will be informed to go to doctor directly without passing the time in one or two lines in the hospital for appointment. We love to solve the appointment problem of the patient.
